Given that we have quite a few events coming up within our Village (yes, we are a village not a town..technically), we are always in the need of volunteers. What the Eriksdale and District Chamber of Commerce would like to start doing, is to involve our business' that we have as our members and have them volunteer within the community at events. This makes it so then when we have events going on, our events organizers are not scrambling looking for volunteers to help them.
We on the Chamber of Commerce do participate and volunteer in events throughout the communities, whether that be for the ever more popular RogerKimLee Music Festival, the always exciting Creamery Days and Rodeo, or even the smaller side of events for working in the canteen at the Rec Center to help with meal events or tournaments going on.
Our volunteer pool has been fairly small as of late and we want you to get involved! Volunteering within our Chamber of Commerce is a way for everyone who wants to be involved give strength to our community.
Volunteering in your communities has been known to give you the opportunity to:
Learn new skills
Expand horizons
Maintain or establish a sense of belonging
Expand social and business contacts
Stay active
Come on and put yourself down for our volunteer list!